Monday, May 27, 2013

Shirt Limerick (Free Choice)

I just love my brand new shirt
But I dropped it in the dirt
I can't wear it now 
So I wear a frown 
My heart is forever hurt

Sloth Cinquain

Really creepy 
Soft and fuzzy 
Gives you odd looks 

Dog Limerick

My puppy is so cute and sweet
I've decided to name him Pete
But I got a knife 
He had a good life 
And so, oh goodbye to sweet Pete

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tissue Cinquain

Tissue Cinquain!

Soft, bare
Comforting, blowing, caring
Always there for

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


A video we made in computers using the green screen effect! It was really fun to make and I hope we can make another one soon!